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Fridges That Retain Vitamin C with Active Fresh Blue Light™

Fridges Blue Light

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is key to a healthy diet, but preserving their nutritional value after you bring them home can be a challenge. Our refrigerators equipped with Active Fresh Blue Light™ technology address this issue by helping extend the freshness and nutritional content of your produce.

What is Active Fresh Blue Light™ Technology?

Active Fresh Blue Light™ technology enhances the storage life of fruits and vegetables in your fridge by mimicking natural sunlight. This innovative feature is available in our American-style and combi fridge freezers. Here's how it works:

Photosynthesis in Your Fridge: The crisper drawer is equipped with blue LED lights that facilitate continuous photosynthesis, thereby protecting the Vitamin C content and overall nutritional value of stored produce.

Enhanced Preservation: Research suggests that this technology can improve the preservation of fruit and vegetable freshness by up to 30%, compared to standard crisper drawers.

Benefits of Refrigerators with Active Fresh Blue Light™

Here are some key reasons why a fridge with this technology is beneficial:

Longer Lasting Freshness: By allowing photosynthesis to continue, Active Fresh Blue Light™ keeps your fruits and vegetables fresher for longer periods.

Nutrient Retention: It specifically helps in retaining Vitamin C, which is crucial for health and can be easily degraded when fruits and vegetables are stored for long periods.

Reduced Food Waste: With extended freshness, fruits and vegetables are less likely to spoil prematurely, meaning less food waste and fewer trips to the grocery store.

Cost-Effective: By preserving your produce for longer, you save money that might otherwise be spent on replacing spoiled fruits and vegetables.

Why Choose Active Fresh Blue Light™?

Choosing a fridge with Active Fresh Blue Light™ technology can significantly impact how you store and enjoy your fruits and vegetables. It ensures that your produce not only stays fresh but also maintains its taste and nutritional benefits for longer. This is especially valuable for households that strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle without frequent shopping trips.

Experience the Freshness

If you're looking to enhance your kitchen with a fridge that offers more than just cooling, consider one equipped with Active Fresh Blue Light™. It’s an investment in the longevity and quality of your produce, ensuring that every bite is as fresh and nutritious as possible.

Ready to Upgrade Your Refrigerator?

Explore our selection of fridges with Active Fresh Blue Light™ technology and find the perfect fit for your kitchen needs. Visit Consiglio's to learn more about our innovative appliances that keep your food fresher, longer.

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